Registration Terms
Reguli privind utilizarea forumului
Forumul de fata a luat nastere din munca unor entuziasti, dornici de a crea o noua comunitate în Internet-ul românesc, existând atât asemanari cât si deosebiri fata de alte comunitati similare. Daca doresti sa te integrezi în aceasta comunitate, esti rugat sa parcurgi urmatoarele rânduri, pentru a nu aparea pe viitor neplaceri de nici un fel.
Din momentul în care ai tastat adresa site-ului, ai intrat pe o proprietate privata, unde gazda are dreptul de baza al oricarei societati democrate, acela de a si-o administra dupa cum crede de cuvinta. Nu trebuie ca aceste cuvinte sa te sperie, nu am creat forumul doar pentru noi însine, ci dorim sa formam o comunitate bazata pe oameni care respecta regulile noastre.
De aceea trebuie sa stii ca daca doresti sa te integrezi în aceasta comunitate, trebuie sa te supui regulilor de mai jos, ce au fost create de niste oameni, pentru niste oameni.
Daca un principiu enuntat nu coincide cu un principiu de-al tau la care nu poti renunta, esti invitat, fara suparare, sa renunti la frecventarea forumului.
Membrii acestei comunitati se impart in mai multe categorii:
- Administratorii - sunt persoane cu puteri depline privind administrarea forumului
- Moderatorii - sunt cei care asigura buna desfasurare a discutiilor si postarilor de pe forum, ei vor modifica, vor sterge posturi sau topic-uri, vor avertiza si sanctiona membrii care vor "calca strâmb" si chiar le vor interzice accesul pe forum (ban), menţionându-i totodată aici.
- Membrii Gold - In aceasta categorie, sunt inclusi membri "de aur" ai forumului, persoanele cu totul deosebite care s-au remarcat sau se remarca prin capacitatea lor de a lucra altruist in folosul tuturor celorlalti.
Sunt acei oameni fara de care nu am fi fost azi ceea ce suntem, ceea ce avem pretentia ca am fi, adica o colectivitate unita, profesionista in excelenta, cu oameni deosebiti si de mare caracter.
Membrii acestui grup au in egala masura si atributiile de moderator, putand oricand sa-si puna in folosul tuturor experienta dobandita si demonstrata cu prisosinta.
Includerea in acest grup este modul in care noi, toti ceilalti, ne aratam recunostinta si respectul pentru acesti oameni minunati, modul in care le recunoastem deosebita experienta in domeniu, dar si modul in care le recunoastem valoarea contributiei adusa dezvoltarii forumului.
- Membrii Premium - Ii gasim inclusi in aceasta lista pe acei membri importanti ai forumului, care se remarca prin postari de o deosebita calitate, prin pricepere, altruism si o atitudine care-i face demni de postura de membri de baza ai marii familii a forumului nostru. Includerea in acest grup este modul in care noi, deopotriva administratorii, moderatorii sau restul membrilor forumului le recunoastem meritele si valoarea, interesul pentru subiectele dezbatute si implicarea activa in viata forumului (uneori zilnic, alteori mai rar, dar nu mai putin meritoriu).
- Ex-Moderatorii - Acei membri ai forumului, care la un moment dat au facut parte din grupa moderatorilor si care, din diferite motive, nu mai fac parte din aceasta grupa.
- Membrii Star - Este singura grupa pe care nu ne-o dorim si nu vrem sa avem membri incadrati aici. Este vorba de membrii care s-ar putea incadra foarte bine intruna din grupele de mai sus, insa din pacate au plecat dintre noi intr-o lume mai buna, printre stele, o lume unde vom pleca la un moment dat cu toti.
- Comercianti - Sunt persoanele fizice sau juridice care sunt cunoscute prin activitatea lor comerciala in domeniul GPS. Incadrarea unui anumit membru in categoria "Comercianti" se face prin prezentarea catre Administrator a intentiei de colaborare si date complete privitoare la firma si produsele comercializate. De asemenea trebuie specificate discount-urile sau preturile preferentiale pentru forumisti, ce sunt practicate.
- Membrii - Restul membrilor, care nu fac parte din vreuna din categoriile enumerate mai sus.
Toate ariile forumului se supun acestui regulament:
1. Forumul este deschis tuturor persoanelor, indiferent de nationalitate, sex, religie, clasa sociala.
Totusi, cunoasterea foarte buna a limbii române scrise este obligatorie. Recomandam, de asemenea, cunoasterea limbii engleze la un nivel suficient pentru a întelege un text tehnic.
Datorita faptului ca multi membrii ai forumului provin din alte tari decat Romania, este acceptata o singura exceptie privind limba in care se face postarea: engleza.
Scrierea cu diacritice este optionala.
Scrierea cu inflorituri (k, sh, tz, y sau alte abrevieri de mIRC) este interzisa, cu exceptia cazurilor in care pot aparea confuzii.
2. Fiecare utilizator este identificat printr-un singur nume de utilizator (username). Înregistrarea sub alt nume a aceleiasi persoane se numeste "clona". Clonele sunt interzise. Inregistrarea si/sau folosirea unei clone va fi sanctionata cu ban atat pentru contul respectiv cat si pentru contul clona.
Daca ai uitat parola, exista o functie pentru recuperarea ei pe care esti rugat sa o folosesti, sau, în cel mai rau caz, poti apela la un administrator care te va ajuta.
3. Inainte de a deschide un topic nou verificati daca nu este deja deschis unul cu aceeasi tema. Nu deschideti un topic pt. a pune o intrebare punctuala, exista in cadrul fiecarei sectiuni un topic pt. intrebari generale. In caz contrar verificati unde se incadreaza intrebarea voastra. Nu se vor posta in cadrul aceluiaşi topic programe care n-au nicio legatura între ele din punct de vedere al conţinutului. Discutiile din topic vor fi la subiect, cele off-topic vor fi sterse.
4. Nu se va folosi butonul Quote sau Multiquote pt. a raspunde unui post imediat anterior. Este permisa citarea doar a unei portiuni a mesajului anterior pentru a sublinia acea parte din subiectul respectiv.
5. In topicurile "Kituri de referinta testate - WinCE/Mob" şi "Kituri iGO Primo testate - Android (colectie made" nu se pun intrebari, nu se poarta discutii; acestea pot avea loc in sectiunile dedicate. Daca un link nu (mai) este activ, semnalati acest lucru autorului prin PM.
6. Nu provocati polemici pe forum. Ceea ce se posteaza va fi argumentat. Nu faceti atacuri la persoana; discutiile off-topic se pot purta în acest topic. Postarea se va face folosind un limbaj decent, in limitele bunului simt, respectandu-i pe ceilalti membri pentru a fi la randu-i respectat. Orice abatere de la aceste reguli va fi sanctionata cu warn urmat de ban.
7. Forumul are definita o sectiune speciala dedicata anunturilor de vanzare, cumparare, prestari. Fiecare membru al forumului poate posta aici anunturi gen "mica publicitate" in care isi poate vinde aparatul proprietate personala. Vanzarea mai multor aparate de acelasi fel, vanzarea unui numar mai mare de 3 aparate diferite in acelasi timp sau postarea unui anunt nou la un interval mai mic de 7 zile sunt considerate activitati comerciale, lucru permis doar daca utilizatorul face parte din categoria "Comercianti". Daca un anunt de vanzare nu mai este valabil, se va cere inchiderea acelui topic, pentru a nu mai fi cuantificat in numarul maxim de anunturi simultane, fara ca regula privind frecventa postarii unui nou anunt sa fie incalcata. Promovarea intensiva prin postari ulterioare cu acest scop in cadrul topicului (bumping) se considera abatere de la regulament, daca se face mai des de 7 zile de la postarea precedenta - in caz contrar va fi sanctionat cu 10 puncte de warn. Userul care posteaza orice anunt de vanzare in sectiunea SHOP este obligat sa se conformeze regulilor aplicate acestei categorii, in caz contrar va fi considerat spammer, banat iar posturile lui sterse. Postarea unui anunt de acest gen in orice alta arie se considera abatere si se sanctioneaza cu 25 de puncte de warn.
Sunt interzise comentariile pe marginea unui produs/serviciu. Daca nu iti convine pretul/starea lui, nu te obliga nimeni sa-l cumperi. Nerespectarea acestui paragraf aduce dupa sine sanctionarea cu warning. Userii din grupa COMERCIANTI nu au dreptul sa comenteze/evalueze produsele similare oferite de concurenti, incalcarea acestei reguli ducand la suspendarea dreptului de a vinde pe acest forum.
Sunt interzise comentariile pe marginea unui produs/serviciu. Daca nu iti convine pretul/starea lui, nu te obliga nimeni sa-l cumperi. Nerespectarea acestui paragraf aduce dupa sine sanctionarea cu 20 de puncte de warn.
8. Membrii isi pot crea o semnatura proprie. Aceasta este definita ca fiind un text ce va fi atasat fiecarui post, la sfarsitul acestuia.
Introducerea unei reclame sau a unui link spre un alt site este interzisa. Se accepta in semnatura o singura imagine (cu conditia sa nu fie jignitoare sau ilegala) la dimensiunea maxima de 200 x 20 pixeli. Orice nerespectare a acestui paragraf privind semnaturile va fi sanctionata. Daca situatia se repeta posesorul respectivei semnaturi va fi sanctionat cu warning sau ban.
Moderatorii au dreptul de a edita sau sterge semnatura fara o instiintare prealabila a userului.
Regulile de mai sus cu privire la semnaturi nu se aplica moderatorilor si administratorilor.
9. Daca nu poti sau nu doresti sa respecti acest regulament, exista posibilitatea încetarii participarii la activitatea acestui forum. În caz contrar vom fi nevoiti sa luam toate masurile necesare pentru ca sa-si desfasoare existenta în bune conditii, incluzând interzicerea dreptului de a mai posta (banarea), temporar sau pe termen nelimitat. Încetarea activitatii pe forum se face "ca atare", fara a fi întreprinsa nici o actiune din partea nimanui. Asadar, nu cere sa-ti fie sters contul, nu-ti sterge propriile posturi, nu scrie posturi kilometrice pline de acuze la adresa administratiei, nici aici si nici pe alte forumuri. Cu alte cuvinte, încearca sa parasesti decent comunitatea, iar membrii acesteia sa-si aduca aminte cu placere de activitatea ta.
Suspendarea este definita ca "disable posting ability" - cu alte cuvinte, contul respectiv devine read-only. Aparitia unor "clone" in timpul perioadei de suspendare va fi sanctionata corespunzator prin banarea conturilor.
10. Administratorii si moderatorii forumului vor avea intotdeauna ultimul cuvint si nu sunt obligati sa-si explice opiniile sau actiunile. Este frumos din partea lor atunci cand se explica, dar, de cele mai multe ori, explicarea fiecarui gest in parte ar necesita mult prea mult timp - iar timpul este un material pretios, cel putin pentru noi.
11. Userul nu are dreptul sa ceara stergerea contului creat si a postarilor aferente. Ele devin proprietatea forumului iar decizia stergerii lor ramane strict la discretia administratorilor forumului. Chiar daca din momentul postarii, proprietatea asupra tuturor mesajelor revine, dreptul moral de autor si responsabilitatea continutului apartin in totalitate celui care a postat respectivul mesaj. nu poate fi tras la raspundere pentru oricare din regulile incalcate de membrii acestui forum, dar cu toate acestea incercam sa monitorizam cat mai bine continutul mesajelor publicate pentru a evita astfel de cazuri.
12. Membrii PREMIUM, cunoscuti ca si comercianti, au dreptul de a posta in sectiunea SHOP, intr-un singur topic, anunturi comerciale in limita unei actualizari pe saptamana. Aceasta este o recunoastere a contributiei lor la functionarea/dezvoltarea forumului. Orice abuz duce la stergerea mesajelor comerciale postate.
13. Atunci cand un membru are bunavointa de a posta diverse materiale pentru a fi folosite de catre toti membrii forumului, iar in momentul postarii isi exprima in mod expres dorinta de a nu se face mirrors sau (re)postari ale respectivelor link-uri si/sau materiale pe alte forumuri, ceilalti membri au obligatia de a respecta aceasta dorinta. Nerespectarea acestei solicitari atrage dupa sine sanctionarea celui in cauza.
14. Sistemul de apreciere (reputatie). In cazul in care un membru al forumului ti-a dat un sfat bun, te-a ajutat in rezolvarea unei problemei nu este necesar a posta mesaje de genul: "Multumesc", "Bravo, esti tare!", etc. Poti sa-i multumesti acestuia prin folosirea functiei "Like this" din partea dreapta a subsolului fiecarui post.
15. Nu este permisa sub nici o forma folosirea unui limbaj necivilizat, obscen, extremist, ultra-nationalist sau rasist, jignirea sub orice forma a membrilor forumului, folosirea de cuvinte amenintatoare, comportament nepotrivit sau ofensator. Nu este permisa, in egala masura, postarea de discutii sau deschiderea de topicuri despre subiecte care contravin legilor Romaniei, incluzand (dar fara a se limita) teme false, vulgare, defaimatoare, rasiste, ultra-nationaliste, extremiste, cu orientare sexuala interzisa de lege sau orice alte subiecte considerate ilegale sau care instiga la incalcarea acestor legi ori fac apologia temelor anterior mentionate.
Regulamentul poate fi modificat de catre administratori fara nici o notificare prealabila. Toti membrii au obligatia de a verifica periodic modificarile aduse regulamentului de functionare.
Administratorii isi rezerva dreptul de a limita accesul , a bloca temporar sau definitiv accesul la forum precum si de a sterge /modifica continutul anumitor postari FARA NICI O JUSTIFICARE atunci cand considera necesar bunei functionari/imaginii forumului.
Community Rules
SpoilerRules for using the forum
Today's forum took birth by the work of some enthusiastic people, eager to create a new comunity in the romanian Internet, existing both similarities and differences towards other comunities alike.
If you wish to register into this comunity, you are required to follow the next lines, to not have further disagreeables of what so ever.
From the moment you've started typing the site's adress, you've entered on private property, where the host has the rightfull right of any democratic society, the right of administration it's society at it's own will.
Those words must not worry you, we haven't created the forum just for ourselves, but to create a comunity based on people who follow our rules.
That's why you must know that if you want to register in this comunity, you must obey the following rules, that were created by some people, for some people.
If some written principle doesn't coincide with some principle of yours on wich you cannot discard, you are invited, without any offence, to stop attending the forum.
The members of this comunity are divided in multiple categories:
- Administrators - are persons with full power regarding the forum's administration
- Moderators - are those people who assure the good progress of the discussions and the poststings on the forum, they will change, delete posts or topics, will warn and punish members that "went wrong" and will even prohibit access on the forum (ban), placing them here. (Wall gazette of the forum).
- Gold Members - In this cathegory, there are included "golden" members of the forum, very special persons who have distinguised or are being distingushed trough their ability to work free wiling in the use of the others.
It's those people without which we would not be what we are today, what we claim to be, which is a unified collectivity, proffesional in excelency, with special people of great character.
Members of this group have equal moderating duties, being able to put at any time their aqiured experience and proven abundency.
Including them in this group is the way that we, the rest, show our gratitude and respect for these wanderfull people, the way in which we admit their special experience in the field, but also the way we aknowlege the value of the contributions brought to develope the forum.
- Premium Members - We can find included in this list those important members of the forum, who remark themselves trough high-quality posts, knowledge, free willing and with an attitude which makes them worthy of the rank of a base member of our big forum's family. Including them in this group is our way, alike administrators, moderators or the rest of the members of the forum, of admitting their earnings and value, their interest for on-going subjects and actively involving in the forum's daily basis (sometimes daily, sometimes rarely, but not less worthy).
- Ex-Moderators - Those members of the forum, which at some point joined the moderators staff and who, from varies reasons, are no longer apart of this group.
- Star Members - This is the sole group that we don't wish for and don't want to have members in it. It's about the members that could easely fit in one of the above groups, but sadly had left us to a better world, among the stars, a world where all of us will come at some point.
- Merchants - Individuals or legal persons that are known trogh their commercial activity in the GPS area. Framing a specific member in the "Merchans" cathegory is made by presenting his intention of collaboration to the Administrator and his complete data regarding his firm and his sold goods. Likewise there must be speccified the discounts or the prefferential prices for forum readers, which are practiced.
- Members - The rest of the members, which aren't apart to any cathegory mentioned above.
All areas of the forum obey to these rules:
1. forum is open to all the people, without thaking into account the nationality, sex, religion or social class.
Although, knowing very good written romanian language is mandatory. We recomand, also, knowing english language at a sufficient level to understand a technical text.
Due to the fact that many members of the forum came from other countries than Romania, it is accepted one sole exception regarding the language of the posting: english.
Writing with diacritics is optional.
Writing with flourishes( k, sh, tz, y or other mIRC abbreviations ) is prohibited, except the confusion-created cases.
2. Every user is identified by a sole username. Registering under a different name of the same person is called "cloning". Clones are forbidden. Registering and/or using a clone will be sanctioned with a ban both for that account and the clone.
If you have forgotten the password, there is a recovery function that you are asked to use, or, in worst case, you could appeal to an adimistrator that will help you.
3. Before creating a new topic check if there isn't another one with the same theme. Do not create a topic to ask a punctual question, there is in each section a topic for general questions. Otherwise check where your question is fitted. There will not be posted in the same topic programs that have no resemblance between them regarding their content. On topic discussions will refer to the subject, the off topic ones will be deleted.
4. The Quote or multiquote button will not be used to answer an immediate recent post. It is allowed quoting a fragment of the previous message to underline that part in the specified subject.
5. In the topics
no questions or discussions are allowed; these can take place in the rightfull sections. If a link is ( no longer ) not active, report it to the author by PM.
6. Do not start controversies on the forum. What is posted will be argumented. Don't make personal attacks; the off topic discussions can take place in the topic "Loc de dat cu capul" (Place to hit with the head). The posting will be made using a decent language, between the boundries of common sense, respecting the other members to be respected as well. Any exception from these rules will be sanctioned with a warn followed by a ban.
7. The forum has defined a special section dedicated to selling, buying and service provision announcements. Each member of the forum can post here announcements like "classifieds" where he can sell his own personal device. Selling more devices alike, seling 3 or more devices in the same time or posting a new announcement in a periode smaller than 7 days are believed to be commercial activities, allowed only if the user is a member of "Merchants" cathegory.
If a sale announcement isn't available anymore, closing the topic will be required, in order to stop being quantified in the maximum number of simultaneous announcements, without the rule regarding the frequecy of posting a new announcement being violated.
Intensive promoting through following posts with the same purpose in the topic (bumping) is considered to be a transgression from the rules, if it is made often than 7 days from the previous posting - otherwise he will be sanctioned with 10 warning points. The user that posts any kind of selling announcement in the SHOP section is obliged to obey the rules of that cathegory, otherwise he will be considered a spammer, then banned and his posts will be deleted.
Posting a similar announcement in any other place is considered to be a deviation and is sanctioned with 25 warning points. The comments of a product/service are prohibited. If you do not like it's price/status, you are not obliged to buy it. Breach of the terms of this paragraph brings the sanctioning with a warning. The users from the "Merchants" group aren't allowed to comment/value the similar products offered by the competition, failing this rule leading to losing the right to sell on this forum.
The comments of a product/service are prohibited. If you do not like it's price/status, you are not obliged to buy it. Breach of the terms of this paragraph brings the sanctioning with 20 warning points.
8. The members can create a signature. This is defined to be a text attached to every post, at it's end.
Putting a commercial or a link to another site is prohibited. It is accepted a sole picture in the signature ( on the condition to not be offensive or illegal ) at a maximum dimension of 200 x 20 pixels. Any nonobservance of this paragraph regarding the signatures will be sanctioned. If the situation is repeted the user of that signature will be sanctioned with a warn or ban.
The moderators have the right to edit or delete the signature without any notice to the user.
The above rules regarding the signatures do not applied to the moderators and the administrators.
9. If you can't or do not want to follow these rules, there is a posibility to stop participating at the activity of the forum. In other way we are forced to take all of the necessary means so should function in good conditions, including forbidding the right of posting ( baning ), temporary or unlimited.
Ceasing of activity on the forum it's done "as so", without any action from any side. So, do not ask that your accont should be deleted, don't delete your own posts, don't write long posts full of chargers at the administration, not here on any other forums. In other words, try to leave the comunity decently, and leave a good impresion so the members would remember nice things about your activity.
The suspension is permanent like "disable posting ability" - in other words, that account becomes read-only. The birth of some "clones" during the suspension will be sanctioned accordingly by banning the accounts.
10. The adimistrators and moderators will always have the last word and are not forced to explain their opinions or actions. It is nice if they explain themselves, but, most of the times, explaining each gesture would take too long time - and time is a pretious material, specially for us.
11. The user doesn't have the right to ask the deleting of the created account and it's postings. They become property of the forum and the decission of deleting them remain strictely at the discretion of the forum's administrators. Even if from the moment of the posting, the property on all the messages goes to, the moral copyright and the responsability of it's content totaly belongs to the one that posted the original message. cannot be judged for any of the rules broken by it's members, but we try to monitor the best way possible the content of the published messages to avoid such cases.
12. Premium members, known as merchants, have the right to post in the SHOP section, in one topic, commercial announces in the limit of one weekly update. This is a reward towards their contribution to the forum's functionality/development. Any abuse leads to deleting of the commercial messages posted.
13. When a member has the kindness to post various materials to be used by all forum's members, and in the moment of the posting he expressively wishes that mirrors are not made or (re)posting of those links and/or materials on other forums, the other members must obey and follow this request. Failing to obey this request gets the sanctioning of the concerned person.
14. Appreciation system (reputation). If a forum member gave you good advice, helped you in solving a problem it is not necessary to post messages like "Thank you", "Good job, you rock!", etc. You can thank him by using "Like this" from bottom-right of each post.
15. It is not allowed in any circumstance to use an uncivilized, obscene, extremist, ultra-nationalist or racist language, the offending of any forum members, the use of threatening words, inappropriate or offensive behavior. It is also not allowed to post discussions or open topics about subjects that are in violation of Romanian laws, including (but not limited to) false, vulgar, defamatory, racist, ultra-nationalist, extremist, sexually subjects prohibited by law, or any other matter deemed illegal or incite to violation of these laws or apologize to the above-mentioned themes.
The rules can be modified by the administrators without any further notice. All of the members have the duty to periodicaly check the changes brought to the rules of procedure.
Administrators have the right to limit the access, to block temporarely or permanentely the access to the forum and also to delete/modify the content of some posts WITHOUT ANY JUSTIFICATION when they consider needed to the forum's good functioning/image.